e-Kiosk.pl - New Eastern Europe 3-4(XXVII)/2017 - The Balkan Carousel


New Eastern Europe

3-4(XXVII)/2017 - The Balkan Carousel (17.05.2017)

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“The price of Europeanising the Balkans is much higher than the price of the Balkanisation of Europe,” claims Zagreb-based writer Miljenko Jergović in the opening essay to this issue of New Eastern Europe. This poignant statement calls for wide attention, especially of those who hold dear the idea of a united and expanding Europe. It points to the immense pressure that has been emerging within the region of the Western Balkans and which could have an effect on Europe as a whole. This also inclines that a better understanding of the Balkans is a prerequisite for a better understanding of the developments on the entire European continent.
This fact has been true before, although not always – as our authors point out – taken seriously. Thus, it is worthwhile reading the essay by Adam Balcer, who argues that since antiquity the region of the Western Balkans has been at the core of westernisation. It was the place where great powers battled for influence and where world wars erupted. In the 21st century a new scenario, with some similarities of the past, may be unfolding.
Throughout the whole issue, our authors who are either based in the region or avid readers of its developments, point out to some alarming trends that the power games may indeed be returning. Such is the case of Turkey as described by Tomasz Targański who highlights the rise of Neo-Ottomanism. Russian influence is also felt in the region as Kenneth Morrison and Jelena Milić argue in their respective essays. Equally worrisome is the issue of Islamic extremism that is reported by Tatyana Dronzina and Sulejman Muça to be seeking a foothold in Europe via the Balkans.
Despite these and other developments the West has proved wrong in some decisions that were made in regards to the Balkans. The most striking example of a flawed policy implementation is depicted by Christopher Bennett as he shows how the Dayton Peace Agreement has turned Bosnia and Herzegovina into Europe’s longest frozen conflict, with little desire for improving the status quo.

New Eastern Europe is a new bi-monthly magazine dedicated to Central and Eastern European affairs. The magazine is the sister edition of the Polish version Nowa Europa Wschodnia, which has been on the Polish market since 2008. Countries in particular focus in New Eastern Europe include Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, as well the Caucasus region - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, etc.
Articles in New Eastern Europe focus on a wide range of social, political and cultural issues facing this region. The journal includes original opinion and analytical texts; historical accounts; reports from correspondents in the countries with full colour photos; and reviews of books, music and film about and emerging from Eastern Europe.

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