From the Editors:
The theme of this special issue of New Eastern Europe was prepared in co-operation with the Polish Embassy in Tbilisi which is currently serving as the NATO contact point. We invited authors, primarily from Georgia, to provide a variety of perspectives including security, culture, history, geopolitics, economics and geo-strategy.
Since the fall of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War, the Black Sea has turned into a region which has become a focal point of competition between the East and West. This was the case in August 2008 when Russia attacked Georgia in the Five Day War or in March 2014 when, in the aftermath of the EuroMaidan Revolution in Kyiv, the Crimean peninsula was annexed by the Russian Federation. Keeping these two events in mind, it is suffice to say that the region of the Black Sea can be perceived as a geopolitical Trojan horse.
In this issue, our authors illustrate the growing interdependencies that are emerging in the region. Their analyses help us imagine how future developments that may take place here will largely depend on wider international factors. And the risks that go with these developments, as our authors warn, include the cost of western inaction. It is our aim that with the publication of these texts, we can help raise awareness of the situation and sentiments surrounding the Black Sea region.
New Eastern Europe is a new bi-monthly magazine dedicated to Central and Eastern European affairs. The magazine is the sister edition of the Polish version Nowa Europa Wschodnia, which has been on the Polish market since 2008. Countries in particular focus in New Eastern Europe include Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, as well the Caucasus region - Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Chechnya, etc.
Articles in New Eastern Europe focus on a wide range of social, political and cultural issues facing this region. The journal includes original opinion and analytical texts; historical accounts; reports from correspondents in the countries with full colour photos; and reviews of books, music and film about and emerging from Eastern Europe.